January Newsletter
Updates From Us
We're thrilled to share some exciting updates on all the great things happening at Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) this month.
As we step into this new year, ORIMHA would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for your incredible support, contributions, dedication, passion and advocacy for the application of infant and early childhood mental health principles and best practices in Oregon. Thank you. We are excited to build upon our achievements together and make this year remarkable.
Recognizing Redmond Reams.
As ORIMHA celebrates 10 years as a non-profit organization, we reflect on how grateful we are for the dedicated individuals who have led and shaped our organization over the years. This recognition extends to our founders, who spearheaded the creation of ORIMHA, and to our past and current leaders and members who have tirelessly contributed to our mission.
We would like to use this space to recognize a founding or impactful board member each month. This month we would like to honor Redmond Reams.
Redmond Reams is a Licensed Psychologist who been providing Reflective Consultation and Supervision for over 40 years to individuals, groups and agencies, both in-person and via phone and video. He has been endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Clinical Mentor since 2004 and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Infant Mental Health from the London School of Infant Mental Health. He was one of the founders of both the Postgraduate Certificate Program in Infant Mental Health at PSU and the Oregon Infant Mental Health Association.
Thank you, Redmond, for all of your efforts.
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Consultation Implementation.
Why does the well-being of early educators and childcare providers matter? Because rates of suspension and expulsion are significantly higher when they are stressed and/or depressed. "When teachers screened positive for depression, they were expelling children at twice the rate.” -Walter Gilliam, PhD, Buffett Early Childhood Institute. That’s why ORIMHA is partnering with the Department of Early Learning and Care on the Every Child Belongs initiative to implement IECMH Consultation. This intervention offers relational and reflective support to teachers and providers so that they feel seen, heard, and valued; they experience more self-efficacy; and they become more reflective. The most effective way to help infants and young children is to care for the people who care for them.
Low-Cost RSC Groups.
ORIMHA is offering low-cost Reflective Supervision Consultation (RSC) groups. Groups are intended for those providing services to birth to six-year-olds and their families, are actively endorsed, or seeking Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health (I/ECMH-E®) and/or Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH-E®) through ORIMHA. Groups will cost $25 per session with most groups meeting 2x per month ($50) for 1-1.5 hours per session.
Please contact andrea@or-imha.org if interested.
Job Openings.
MountainStar is looking to hire a new part time (20-hour) position to work throughout the Warm Springs Reservation. Click here to find out more about the Outreach Coordinator position. Contact hr@mtstar.org with questions or interest.
MountainStar Family Relief Nursery is recruiting an Early Childcare Specialist to join their team in Bend, Oregon. Click here for more information about the Early Childcare Specialist position. Contact hr@mtstar.org with questions or interest.
Scholarship Opportunities.
Did you know you may be eligible for scholarships to help pay for professional development opportunities? Check out the Portland State University scholarship page for more information.
Congratulations are in order!
Congratulations to our new endorsees:
Ariana Reyes
Jamon Carl
Be a voice for babies, families, and the community.
Make a donation today.
Are you in need of reflective supervision?
ORIMHA has a Reflective Supervision Registry where you can find a list of Infant Mental Health Mentors and Infant Mental Health Specialists. Click below to access the registry. AND ORIMHA is offering low-cost group sessions. If you are interested, please email andrea@or-imha.org for more information.
Do you have questions about Endorsement?
Did you know ORIMHA offers virtual support office hours in both English and Spanish? Click the link below for more information. Office hours are located in the announcements section. You do not need to log in to view.