The Competency Guidelines are aligned with many in-service training and evidence-based practice models. The following crosswalks are available for use and reference:
Erikson Institute Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate Program
Pyramid Model Training Modules (for Endorsement® Applicants)
Strengthening Families Protective Factors: Bringing the Protective Factors to Life Modules (7)
Circle of Security International
College & University Programs
Eastern Michigan University School of Social Work: “Introduction to Infant Mental Health Practice”
University of Pittsburgh School of Education Program in Applied Developmental Psychology
Wayne State University Dual Title Program in Infant Mental Health
The presence on this list means that the crosswalk has been aligned with the knowledge/skill areas found within the Competency Guidelines and authored by at least one professional holding the Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement (IMH-E®/ECMH-E®) credential. The Alliance cannot guarantee Endorsement will be earned upon completion of any/all of the training curricula and/or coursework listed in the crosswalks above. Additionally, the Alliance cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the crosswalk.
BLACK PARENT VOICES Resilience in the Face of the Two Pandemics— COVID-19 and Racism
Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others
Eliminating the Racial Gap in Educational Readiness in Preschool Children
Grandparents, Kin and Play Cousins: The Soul and Survival of Black Families
Racial Trauma in Film: How Viewers Can Address Re-traumatization
Special Report: Access to High-Quality Early Education and Racial Equity
44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country
When We Normalize Racism And Bigotry, We Do Violence To Our Mental Health
Podcast: On How to be an Anti-Racist with Brene Brown and Ibram X. Kendi
Anti-racism Resources for White People to deepen your understanding
Bias is Not Just a Police Problem, it's a Pre-school Problem
Eight ways we can reduce Black maternal mortality (you can participate in #4 right now).