October 2023 Newsletter

Updates From Us

We're thrilled to share some exciting updates on all the great things happening at Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) this month.

Endorsed Professionals.

Endorsement renewal is now open on EASy and will remain open for you to submit your information until 12/31!

Please reach out to our endorsement coordinator at endorsement@or-imha.org with any specific questions. We are looking forward to another successful Endorsement renewal period.

Please remember, in order to hold endorsement, you must also have an active ORIMHA membership. Please reach out to our membership coordinator at oregonimha@gmail.com with specific questions.

If you were not able to complete the requirements and would like to be moved to “inactive” for this year, ask about the inactive application.

  • If you no longer wish to maintain your endorsement, let us know and we will remove you from the registry.

  • If you do not renew by 12/31/23 you will automatically be removed from the registry and no longer be able to use your IMH-E® credential.

A Small Change.

ORIMHA has switched to a rolling or “anniversary” membership. Members will have access to all of the same benefits of membership as before. Membership will begin on the day of purchase and is valid for 365 days. Although a small change that will not impact membership benefits, we want to be transparent with any changes made. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at oregonimha@gmail.com

The Timeline.

We are excited to share a timeline of ORIMHA. Click the link below to see how ORIMHA has grown over the years. We are so proud of all of our growth and cannot thank you enough for your support.

An Exciting Opportunity.

The Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) is preparing for all the training opportunities they have to offer this fall, and they are excited to share that there are still spots left for this year's conference. Register today to virtually attend Equity from the Start, November 6th-8th, 2023.

This FREE, virtual conference is specifically geared towards IECMHC consultants, supervisors, managers, consultees, parents, leadership, and funders, but all are invited to attend. Join to access a range of presentations related to implementing infant & early childhood mental health consultation and promoting justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion for infants, children, families, and the workforce.

For eligible rural providers in Oregon, full funding (program fees/travel/material costs) is available, provided by The Ford Family Foundation. 

Did you know…

ORIMHA reached over 500 members!

There are 111 endorsees, 21 of which were endorsed in 2023!


Be a voice for babies, families, and the community.

Make a donation today.

Are you in need of reflective supervision?

ORIMHA has a Reflective Supervision Registry where you can find a list of Infant Mental Health Mentors and Infant Mental Health Specialists. Click below to access the registry.

Do you have questions about Endorsement?

Did you know ORIMHA offers virtual support office hours in both English and Spanish? Click the link below for more information.

Training and Events:

Contact Us:

Membership Support: oregonimha@gmail.com

Endorsement Support: endorsement@or-imha.org

See past newsletters/subscribe.


November 2023 Newsletter


September 2023 Newsletter