December 6, 2024 RSP Newsletter

To the Regional Service Providers (and those working to decide which organization in their region will be the RSPs)

We hear you! Please read up on the feedback we have been hearing from you and our plans to respond as well as other important updates, resources, and event dates.

Important Information and Updates

For those who were able to be in Portland November 14-15, 2024 Kyla (an ORIMHA evaluator from Alla Breve) asked attendees to identify what successful implementation will look like and what barriers are in the way or might get in the way. Responses were anonymously gathered from sticky notes and then reviewed by Kyla. Here’s a brief summary of the identified barriers:

The Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) as the Central Entity is partnering with the Division for Early Learning and Care (DELC) to address these barriers:

Defined Roles & Responsibilities

  • ORIMHA will map out onboarding & training plans for new consultants, i.e., what are the most useful (free) trainings from CoE, what relevant trainings exist on ORO, what relevant training is ORIMHA already providing, and what are the gaps that may need to be filled by ORIMHA (or others). We will make clear what you can expect about what will be provided and what parts the RSP will be responsible for.

  • In collaboration with DELC, ORIMHA is working to break down and make clear and transparent who is responsible for what across the Early Childhood Suspension Expulsion Prevention Program (ECSEPP).

Clear Communication & Consistency

  • Working with DELC to define terms and definitions related to all things ECSEPP that will be used consistently across all people supporting the project, including ORIMHA.

Adequate Resources & Support

  • We hear and acknowledge that this process to plan for successful implementation of IECMH Consultation has been, well - a LOT. Most of your organizations have multiple people working on this, attending meetings, etc. As several have told us, it’s a lot of work relative to the number of FTEs being added. DELC has invited ORIMHA to assist in creating the Statement of Work for the next biennium with this in mind. The intent will be to continue to streamline and communicate clearly the expectations for the next round of funding.

  • Later this month, ORIMHA will present some messaging materials to the Advisory Committee’s Outreach, Communication, & Feedback Work Group to receive input about language that is clear and consistent. Once finalized, those messaging materials will be shared with you to support marketing and information dissemination.

Save the Dates

Big Picture

Your IECMH Consultation Implementation Support Team,

Nichole Paradis 

Sondra Stegenga 

Erin Kinavey Wennerstrom 


December 19, 2024 RSP Newsletter


November 26, 2024 RSP Newsletter