June 2024 RSP Newsletter

Hello RSP Leaders!

Now that we have preliminary approval of our work plan from the state you will be receiving regular communications and supports from us! We are excited to get connected with you!


Who are We?

We are the Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) team and are the designated Central Entity for the Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Program (ECSEPP) in Oregon. We were recently brought on board as part of this work in May of 2024. As the central entity, have the role of providing training and supports as you prepare and plan for implementing the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation! Our team consists of varied expertise in infant and early childhood mental health consultation, early childhood systems, systems change and implementation science, and working with communities. Please see below for links to more about each of us and how to contact us! (Erin, Nichole, Sondra, and Susan) We are excited to partner with you and learn ways we can best support all you are doing for our communities.

What to Expect:

In the coming weeks you will be hearing from us in two ways. First, we will be working to find out more about your individual needs, systems, and plans in preparing to implement IECMH consultation. Therefore, there will be a SHORT survey from our team coming to you in mid to end of July. Second, we will be messaging out regularly, at least every two weeks, with dates for training, opportunities for individualized support and planning, etc.! We will also have a dedicated communications web-page up soon where you can regularly go for information and supports related to infant and early childhood mental health consultation as part of this work. 

In addition to these initial communications, we are preparing trainings, planning times for individual meetings to partner with you on planning and approaches to implementation, creating a range of resources to support your implementation of the IECMH consultation, preparing an interactive time of connecting, learning, and collaborating at the November conference, etc. We also are preparing for supporting communities of practice and other avenues for leaders to process and share concerns, needs, supports and successes of the ongoing work.

Please Reach Out to Us!

Overall, we wanted to let you know we are working quickly to get you the tools and supports you need. However, please reach out to us if you have any questions, ideas, concerns, etc. in the meantime!  Our contacts and roles that we each have in this work are below. 


Erin Kinavey-Wennerstrom Executive Director ORIMHA and Central Entity for ECSEPP, erin@or-imha.org 


July 2024 RSP Newsletter